Généalogie et Histoire locale

au Luxembourg

Biblio Guide

Biblio online
the digital library of luxracines

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User guide

Biblio online offers documents in PDF format to the members of luxracines. To read these documents you need to have Adobe Reader installed, which can be obtained for free at http://get.adobe.com/reader/.

The library has several categories and subcategories of documents. To find a document you can

  • either navigate through the category structure until you get to the document
  • or use the 'Search' function, which is located on each page of the library; this allows a search for a term, such as a place name.

The list of documents displays a maximum of five documents per page. If the number of available documents is higher, a navigation menu at the bottom of the page is displayed. By default, the list of documents is sorted in ascending alphabetical order. The list can be sorted by other criteria and in descending order.

One button is displayed for each free document under the condition that you are a registered member and logged in.

  • "Download", to download the document to your computer or to view it. The choice between downloading and viewing is done in a window that opens after you click on the button. Depending on the file size and the speed of your Internet connection the download or view can take several minutes.

After clicking on the "Download" button, you are invited to accept the Luxracines license. In case of acceptance, the "Continue" link will start the download.

Some documents are optimized for screen display and cannot be printed.
To search for a phrase in a document (eg a name), use the search capabilities of Acrobat Reader (such as Ctrl + F). The search in a handwritten document does not work.

Chargeable Documents

Some library materials are not freely available. The price of these documents appears in the title and the description of these documents. Payment is made via the PayPal service.

Two buttons are displayed for each fee-based document under the condition that you are a registered member and logged in.

  • "Preview" to view a few pages of the document
  • "Buy Now" to start the purchase.

After clicking on the "Buy Now" button, you are first invited to accept the Luxracines license. In case of acceptance, the "Continue" link will show a summary of your order and the "Pay Now" link to start the purchase.

After starting the purchase procedure, you will be redirected to PayPal to place the payment, either via your PayPal account or credit card. At the end of the transaction, click on the given link go back to the website of luxracines where you will find the download link. Also, a message with the download link is sent to your e-mail address registered with PayPal.


By using Biblio Online, you commit yourself to using the acquired documents, whether free or paid, only for your own purpose and not to forward them to third parties.

The files in the library are provided by luxracines members. Luxracines a.s.b.l. cannot be held responsible for the content of the documents (eg transcription errors) or a potential violation of copyright.

For questions or comments about Biblio Online or problems in using the library or the electronic payment, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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